Abdul Helim
Jurusan Syari’ah STAIN Palangka Raya
According to the seven marriage couples and three fatwa givers which become of the subjects of the study, the mixture of the place for the bride and the groom is prohibited (haram) because it can provoke fitnah, there is tabarruj, ask for the highest bride price, focus more on the gifts, and money from the guests and the other people who spread out the yellow rice. The doers don’t know the legal arguments and even taklid to the fatwa givers but they don’t have reliable arguments. The doers only argue that life of men and women should be separated as in salat and there is no nas that allows the bride and the groom to sit next to each other. Ikhtilat is allowed to do in the market or workplace because was practiced during prophet Muhammad SAW’ life. This argument is weak and hard to accept and it traps us because there is a great potency of disadvantage between ikhtilat in the market and work place compared to ikhtilat in wedding reception.
Keywords: sitting next to each other in wedding ceremony, marriage and Ushul Fikih