Khoiruddin Mochtar
Dosen STAINU Tasikmalaya
Pesantren An-Nawawi has been supporting its political concern on Golkar since 1982. When the Orde baru tend tobe vanishing many of Islam organization declare the new political party, by which the affiliation of Islamic boarding school in advance. But on the other hand the Pesantren An-Nawawi (Islamic boarding school) is still support the Golkar. This phenomena, will be very interesting while the Golkar itself was left by its supporter due to people opinion that this organization is part of the Orde baru which is targeted to end. This fenomena then be analised through behavior, ideollgy, and rating theory.
The question may a rise on this research in term of reason why it continue to afiliate to Golkar, the models of afiliation it pretend, and the motive around the afilitation due to its the existence. Observation and dept interview was applied to find out these phenomena. The finding shows that the afiliation provide significant cosequences in term of moral assistance in which the improvement of facilities and networking to the other organization and department management.
Keywords: afiliation, political party, organization networking