Muh. Ghafur Wibowo
Prodi Keuangan Islam Fakultas Syari’ah UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Rightfulness of a product consumed by Islamic society is a certainty in obeying religious orders and reaching life blessings. Hence, halal or rightful product certificate is one of effective steps to guarantee a halal product for Muslim consumers. However, until today, entrepreneurs who have come to term with halal product certificate are relatively small in number. This research tried to uncover the system of halal product certification made by LPPOM MUI Yogyakarta. In addition, it would identify the product/sector which has not been certified and its reasons. This study was done in Yogyakarta by survey/interview method towards selected respondents. The findings of this research are that, in fact, the assessment and issuance system of halal product certificate made by LPPOM MUI is relatively easy and cheap. Yet, there are many producers who have not managed their product certificate because of different reasons. On the other hand, consumers have known about rightful certificate, in spite of the fact that not every consumer believe that every halal certified product is guaranteed as rightful as well.
Keywords: halal product certificate, Muslim consumers, Majlis Ulama Indonesia.