Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga
This study on the competencies of STAIN’s alumni as required by the ‘market’ (verification analysis on STAIN Salatiga’s curriculum) was very significant for the development of a competence-based curriculum at STAIN Salatiga to match with the needs of the ‘market’. This study was a real endeavor to make STAIN Salatiga an agent of social change so that all programs promoted by STAIN Salatiga would become the embodiments of the needs of its stakeholder as the final users of its alumni. Questions to ask in this study were: How the stakeholders see the alumni of STAIN Salatiga? What competencies of the alumni are required by the ‘market’? Whether the curriculum offered at STAIN Salatiga relevant to the needs of the ‘market’? This study used the verificative-interpretative qualitative approach. The result showed that the alumni were not fully matched with the needs of the ‘market’, either in cognitive, affective, or psychomotoric competencies even though in the domain of theory and concept, the curriculum at STAIN Salatiga could be said to have matched with the need of the ‘market’.
Keywords: Competencies, curriculum, market.