Abdul Syukur
Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga
The main problems of this research are: (1) what do the models of Islamic education institutions in Surakarta and surround it look like? (2) What kind of paradigm and learning was developed by each institution? And (3) how do the profile and the quality of every institution achievement look like? This study used qualitative or naturalistic method. The location/subject of the research is junior high schools in Surakarta. The data were collected by three techniques: (1) indebt interview; (2) participant observation; and (3) study of documents. Analyzing the data was conducted by two steps: (1) individual case analysis and (2) cross case analysis. This research found: (1) many models of Islamic education institution, is basically a respond to the challenges and demands of the world based on thinking paradigm of the founders and the organization ideology, (2) the establishment of SMP Islam Terpadu (SMPIT) is an important phenomenon out of traditional-modern characteristics known today.
Keywords: Islamic education, education model, education institution.