U s m a n
Dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Email: usmanmbabsel@gmail.com
The aim of this writing is to discover and explain the relationship between kind of thought / paradigm and education of Yogyakarta’s societies, based on the theory developed by Kuntowijoyo. To get the purpose, writer makes a grounded and library research by using philosophical approach, beside sociology and anthropology. The reason is the case interlaced on education proceeding in the society. The result of this shows to us that there is a relationship between kind of thought / paradigm and education. And the kinds of them are mythic, ideology, and scientific paradigm. In fact, that someone’s paradigm influence and are influenced by their kinds of education. So that both of them have relation simultaneously.
KeyWords: Kind of Thought / Paradigm and Education (Relationship Among Others).