Guru MTsN Salatiga, alumni S-2 IAIN Walisongo Semarang
This a quantitative research with the main research limited on the study of physical environment climate as a free variable (X1), social environment climate as variable (X2), and the student’s learning motivation as a bundled variable (Y). The population is 540 students of MTs N Salatiga consist of students of grade 7 and grade 8. A big number of people and society think that MTs N Salatiga is a not qualified educational institution, because the learning motivation of the student is low, so the last 3 years it comes this institution can not passing the student 100 percent, this phenomenon is extremely interesting to be researched. The answer of the research form is analyzed with the formula of regression equalization with double Y = a + b1x1 + b2x2. the result of physical environment climate partial analysis (X1), there is a contribution about 10,24% and the social environment climate (X2), there is a contribution about 10,5%, and the result of variable simultant X1 and X2, forward the motivation of student’s learning (Y), there is a contribution about 24,8%. This contribution is regarded big because the field of quantitative research of social science is only. Required about 5%; it means the remain is 75,2% comes from other factors out of this research.
Keywords: School’s climate, learning motivation, education