Tri Handayani, Laelatul Khasanah dan Yulfa Fitria
Mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN ) Salatiga
This research discusses about: (1) The factors which cause religious conversion, (2) The religious conversion influence on the family tied of the one which embraces new religion, (3) The religious conversion influence on the family tied of the one which keep embracing their original religion. The research is done in Batur village, Getasan sub district, Semarang regency, in the slope of mount Merbabu for exactly. Included as qualitative research, it uses interview and observation technique. The research finally reveals that at the beginning religious conversion distracts the family tied, but time heals. As time goes by, the problem is resolved naturally. It can be seen through their way to respect and help each other in performing their own religious rituals.
Keywords: Religious conversion, family relation, faith