Anita Rahmawaty
Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Kudus
The research is subjected to measure empiric factors that influence on the consumer loyalities in Bank Syari’ah Mandiri (BSM) Kudus. There will be four variables influencing customer loyalities: service performance (serperf), satisfaction, trust and comitment. This reserach is quantitative research with positivistic paradigm. The object of the research is the customer of this bank through accidental sampling then Ordinary least square is applied.
The finding shows four independent variables but only two of them will influence the customer loyalities that are satisfaction and comitment. On the other hands variable of service performance and trust do not influence toward customer loyalty. Even that only two variables the Adjusted R2 is 0.727, it means that service performance, satisfaction, trust and commitment could influence customer loyalities for about 72% and the residue of 28% is shown through other variables outside the research models. Finally, it could be conclude that the satisfaction and comitment are important factors that influence customer loyalities of Syaria bank in Kudus.
Keywords: Servperf, satisfaction, trust, comitment, customer loyalities.