Moh. Rosyid
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Kudus
This study aims to answer the problem: (1) what factors cause a shift principle Samin community?; (2) what impact resulting from the shift of these principles. The method used is qualitative analysis, which seeks to understand social behavior based on understanding the Samin Kudus community in holding the teachings of their ancestors. Data analysis techniques are using ethnographic studies, analysis of life history, and content analysis. The findings in this study, the Samin Kudus community had shifted some principles of teaching abstinence, due to the influence of the new culture of modernity such as televisions, mobile phones, and others. By owning and use it, they affected the pattern and style of modern life because of the influence of global information. In addition, a change of mindset Samin citizens in understanding the message of his ancestors also had a role to change the principle of citizens of the Samin Kudus.
Keywords: shift principle, Samin community, social behavior