M. Gufron
Mahasiswa Program Doktor UIN Sunan kalijaga Yogyakarta
The research will emphasize on two fundamental problems, those are: (1) How is relationship between Kyai and his students established in Pondok Pesantren Pancasila? (2) What sort of political participation do the students of Pondok Pesantren Pancasila meet? This research is a kind of qualitative research using phenomenological methods. The research discovers that: (1) The students of Pondok Pesantren Pancasila endorse active participation (not pasive one) in their political aspiration, and it is shown in their involvement to engage their right to vote. (2) The students’ political affiliation is depend strictly on Kyai’s political choice as their modeling figure, even though Kyai gives them freedom to determine their own political choices.
Keywords: Participation pattern, patron-client, political affiliation.