Agus Waluyo Nur
Mahasiswa S3 Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
This research aims to shed light the roles of pesantren in promoting the harmony of life in the community and the nation that value pluralism. As a kind of field research with case study, this research attempts to describe pesantren Edi Mancoro’s initiatives for dialogues and empowering of the community as part of its endeavours to socialize the value of tolerance between religious groups. As a salaf type of pesantren, Edi Mancoro has played numerous social roles such as being the central for social rehabilitation, conflict mediator, and preserving the democratic climate locally as well as nationally. Through activities like dialogues between religious groups, Moslem and Christian leaders’ discussion forums, this pesantren shows itself as a very open institution for taking parts in creating dynamic but harmonious community.
Keywords: Pesantren, harmony, pluralism.