Benny Ridwan
Lingkar Salatiga untuk Telaah Hubungan Ilmu dan Agama (LISTHIA) Salatiga
The research uses multi cases study about the delivery of religious dialogue which bases on Islamic framework and the changes in the point of view of social culture in Salatiga. The problems appear in this research are: (1) The religious leader who are joining either formal or informal organization have not thoroughly been used by the formal village chief; (2) What is done by some of religious leader and the formal chief in carrying out the village development is oriented more to the village supra structural need; (3) Some members of religious leaders have not had the same perception and concept of society development; and (4) The minimum quality of organization ability especially for those who involved in formal leadership. The research finds that in local society the religious elites play significant role. They give understanding about the impact of the regional policy changes. In doing villagers empowerment, they tend to take at least six approaches.
Keywords: Religious elite, empowerment, villagers