Abdul Syukur
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga
This research aimed at knowing the correlation between parents’ economical status and students’ religious behaviours at Islamic Elementary School of Jombor, Tuntang, Salatiga. This research focused on (1) Describing the economical status of the parents, (2) Depicting religious behaviours of the students (3) Confirming the correlation between parents’ economical status and students’ religious behaviours. This research used a variety of data collection methods such as interviews, observation, and documentation. The finding indicates that there is a positive correlation between parents’ economical status and students’ religious behaviours. The rxy statistical analysis results in 0.862 and the empirical conversion of this rxy value into the 95% and 99 % T.K tables with N is 33 show 0,344 and 0,442.
Keywords: Socio-economical status, parents, religious behaviours.