M. Imam Zamroni
Peneliti pada Pusat Studi Asia Pasisfik
Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
The multicultural values in the boardinghouse are often miss from attention of all us, like manage it as media learning to recognize each other and comprehension of cultural plurality, ethnical, race, religion. The dwellers are student majority. The potential of education which is high plurality can’t managed optimality in boardinghouse, though we know that, the nation plurality are properties which very worth. Social interactions which build between dweller humanity boardinghouses with high plurality are inter-ethnical social interaction and intra-ethnical social interaction. Regional sentiment can make communal life pattern in plural communities. Beside that, the ethnical stereotypes still become barrier of social integration to make social harmony in environmental boardinghouse. Potentials education are unable to read and to make learning strategy each other and comprehension cultural plurality in environmental boardinghouse. Students which is learn inter-cultural only surface structure or symbolic cultural. The contribution of plurality to develop of science in student is not optimally yet. Although we know that environmental of boardinghouse have big potency to develop science interdisciplinary.
Keywords: Multicultural values, boardinghouse, science interdisciplinary