Dosen Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Walisongo Semarang
This posts is the result of research that focused to find the answers to the problem: (1) How is the image of Semawis Coffee (Chinatown Community in Semarang as Tourism), (2) Why a tourism become option to create a harmonization of relations between indigenous with Chinese ethnic descent, and (3) Like what the form of tourism that has developed as a medium to bridge the relationship between the two groups of people are. This research including field research with sociological approach. Collecting data is done through the study of literature, depth interviews and observation. Analysis using the approaches and methods qualitative critical analysis. Research found that Semawis Coffee considers tourism as one of the media or the important stage in building a common moral norms and understanding as the beginning of the harmonization of Chinese ethnic descent with indigenous.
Keywords: Semawis coffee, Pecinan (China town), Chinese ethnic descent