Lilik Sriyanti
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga
Objective of the reseach are to reveal KDRT (household violence) fenomenan in Salatiga and its enviroms. It also analyzis the exactness of methods that have done by society figure in handle KDRT act. This action reseach contained in discuss together action with informan, distribution of PKDRT Constitution pocket book and methods of solving problem, showing of household violence film, and focus group discussion. The activity involves 25 society figure as reseach subject. They came from five village in Salatiga, The data is gathered from subject statement dan commentary and the result of questionare knowledge and attitude toward household violence. Result of the reseach are there are many household violence problem in Salatiga. The problems that have been revealed are not suitable with the fact yet. Household violence sacrifice are man and women from various status of economy.
Keywords: Household violence, tokoh masyarakat, fenomena.
Membongkar Fenomena KDRT:
Riset Aksi pada Tokoh Masyarakat Lokal di Salatiga
Lilik Sriyanti
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga
Objective of the reseach are to reveal KDRT (household violence) fenomenan in Salatiga and its enviroms. It also analyzis the exactness of methods that have done by society figure in handle KDRT act. This action reseach contained in discuss together action with informan, distribution of PKDRT Constitution pocket book and methods of solving problem, showing of household violence film, and focus group discussion. The activity involves 25 society figure as reseach subject. They came from five village in Salatiga, The data is gathered from subject statement dan commentary and the result of questionare knowledge and attitude toward household violence. Result of the reseach are there are many household violence problem in Salatiga. The problems that have been revealed are not suitable with the fact yet. Household violence sacrifice are man and women from various status of economy.
Keywords:Household violence, tokoh masyarakat, fenomena.