Sukron Ma’mun
Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana (S2) UIN Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta
Gender transformation in the pesantren (boarding school) needs to be observed. Because they are having values and norms form the fiqh (generally called kitab kuning) that preserve men domination over women. More over the religious leaders (known as kiai) use this book as the main resource to artculate the values and norms in daily living. While the religious leader is as perfect personification among his student (santri).
But not in Malngi, Sleman, Yogyakarta where they have a tough tradition in the values and norms, but these have adapt with present condition. The agreement on values and norms in daily living in term of relationship among men and women become more interesting. This research will focuses on observing the transformation and relational model in term of gender point of view.
Keywords: Gender role, gender transformation, and santri.