M. Gufron
Mahasiswa Program Doktor UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
This research tried to addressed problems: (1) what is the religious condition of the minority muslim society like in Randuares, Kumpulrejo, Argomulyo, Salatiga?; (2) what strategies were made by the minority muslim society in Randuares, Kumpulrejo, Argomulyo, Salatiga to strenghten their religious symbol?; (3) what roles were the religious leaders played to strenghten the minority muslim society’s religious symbol in Randuares, Kumpulrejo, Argomulyo, Salatiga?. This research used a qualitative approach with ethno-methodological model. The data collection technique in this method is emphasized to interview. This reseach uncovered that the minority muslim society in Randuaris tried to use strategies to show their existence, as a type of their reinforcement to the religious symbol. The strategies are; (1) mosque’s role optimization; (2) institutionalization of majlis taklim (religious teaching group); and (3) forming religious leaders.
Keywords: strategies, religious symbols, minority Muslim