Nafis Irkhami
Mahasiswa Program Doktor UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Lack of moral and etiquette consideration for businessmen is an important factor to drive up the escalation of environmental destruction. In this case, the need of implementing environment etiquette on business behavior should start for those to be entrepreneur. The question may rise, on the Islam business etiquette in university level? And the focus of the analysis in this research will be the influence of subjective behavior and norm of the university student to behavior of environment friendliness. The object of the study will be the student of Syariah Banking Diploma who had taken the Islam Business Etiquette subject.
Theory of reasoned action Fishbein is being applied in order to explain object behavior. Attitude is constitute from believe and judgment. Believe emerge through experience and other information. And the subjective norm is measured through the consumer intention on family, colleague and supervisor about what they thinking onto further action. Subjective norm emerge through believe and motivation. Behavior and subjective norm measurement by applying the formula Beh = a + b1S + b2NS + e. On the t test shows that environmental friendliness attitude is not significantly associated with that behavior. On the other hands, subjective norm is significantly influence the environmental friendliness behavior.
Keywords: Attitude, norm and environmental friendliness, Theory of reasoned action