R. Aris Hidayat
peneliti di Balai Litbang Agama Semarang
Email: hroch_aris@yahoo.co.id
The dynamics of modernity has affected the pattern of transmission of knowledge of Islam in schools and fundamentally affect the existence of pesantren. This resulted in the emergence of problems of cultural identity in schools. This study aims to reveal the response of religious scholars and students to discover the dynamics of modernity within the framework of the cultural identity of pesantren. This research method intertextual method and Critical Discourse Analysis of Norman Fairclough. Target of this study Islamic theology transmission process in the book of Aqidah al-Awam at boarding school al-Ihya ‘Ulumaddin Cilacap, Central Java.
The study’s findings suggest there are two main ways of transmission of Islamic science that made boarding school al-Ihya ‘Ulumaddin Cilacap, Central Java, in oral and written. Transmission of the contents of the book points Aqidah al-Awam tends to be done orally, while transmitting the contents of the book of the Niyat Ingsun Ngaji performed with oral and written. The contents of the book of Aqidah al-Awam equal with the content of Nur al-Zalam and the book of Rawihat al-Aqwam. The Book of Nur al-Zalam and Rawihat al-Aqwam book is a book explanatory (Sharh) from the book of Aqidah al-Awam. The contents of the book of the Niyat Ingsun Ngaji different from the contents of the book of Aqidah al-Awam, particularly about the nature of prophets and apostles.
Keywords: text, transmission, intertextual