Oleh Benny Ridwan
Mahasiswa Program Doktor UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Email: bennyridwan@stainsalatiga.ac.id
This research is expected to become contribution for development of religious social science. Practically, this research is expected can present lessons learned for the partys (religious organization), for the agenda of activities advocate and empowering of society. This research is focused at organizational portrait and his religion figure activities. This research give information of profile organizations of religion in Salatiga, response and attitude to dynamics in multicultural society. This research done with collectively by different researcher, also differ academic background of him. Expected with the difference can enrich viewpoint in analysis and his study.
Technique of data collecting done/conducted with interview, observation and data collecting of related/relevant of religious organization, documents, photos, etc. Technique election of responder pursuant to social background, education, economic and also the understanding of religious experience for them. Responder also come from assumed expert informan understand with situation, and issue of problem regional. Data analysis conducted with descriptive method. Religious organizational here cover: Mosque of Al Atiiq, Great Mosque of Darul Amal, Javanese Christian Church (Gereja Kristen Jawa) Salatiga, Gereja Pantekosta Isa Almasih Indonesia (GPIAI) Efata Salatiga, The Roman Catholic of Paroki St. Paulus Miki Salatiga, Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI), PCNU, PD Muhammadiyah. Interreligious relationship in Salatiga will harmony if role of religion elite can give explanation and calmness theologyly and sociological paradigm to the people of each openly and by dialogue. But Interreligious relationship can become under performing if happened gave economic social, education, and local politic management do not in control well.
Keywords : religious organization, dynamics, harmony.