Oleh: Aji Sofanudin
Peneliti Balitbang Agama Semarang
E-mail : ajirakhma@yahoo.com
This study aims to know(1) Are there differences in teacher competence PAI MTs between the certified and that has not been certified (2) Are there differences in teacher competence PAI MT sassociated with working period (3) Are there differences in student learning outcomes PAIMTs are educated by teachers who are certified and not certified teachers, (4) Are there differences in student learning outcomes PAI MTs in terms of working lives of teachers, and (5) How is teacher competency profile PAIMTs which include pedagogical competence, personality, professional, and social. This research approach is quantitative using causal-comparative method. As a result, (1) There is a difference between teacher competence PAI-certified MTs and that has not been certified in the district of Pontianak, (2) There is a difference in PAI MTs teacher competence in terms of teachers’ working lives (3) There is a difference in student learning outcomes PAI MTs are trained by certified teachers and teachers who have not certified, (4) There is a difference in learning outcomes of participants trained MTs PAI related to teachers’ working lives (5) Profile PAI MTs teacher competence which include pedagogical competence, personality, professional, and social in the district of Pontianak as a whole meet the good category.
Keywords: Competency, Teacher PAI MTs, Pontianak Regency
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui (1) Apakah ada perbedaan kopetensi bagi guru PAI MTs antara yang sudah sertifikasi dan yang belum? (2) Apakah ada perbedaan kompetensi guru PAI MTs dalam hal masa kerja? (3) Apakah ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang diajar oleh guru yang sudah dan belum tersertifikasi. (4) Adakah perbedaan hasil belajar siswa PAI MTs ditinnau dari masa kerja guru? (5) Seperti apakah kompetensi guru PAI MTs dalam hal kompetensi pedagogis, kepribadian, profesional, dan sosial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitif dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan causal-comparative. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah (1) Ada perbedaan kopetensi antara guru PAI MTs yang sudah dan belum tersertifikasi di kota Pontianak; (2)Ada perbedaan kompetesni guru PAI MTs berdasarkan pengalam bekerjanya; (3) Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang diajar oleh guru yang sudah dan yang belum tersertifikasi; (4) Ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa PAI MTs berdasarkan masa kerja guru; (5) Secara umum profil guru PAI MTs di kota Pontianak ditinjau dari segi kompetensi pedagogis, kepribadian, profesional, dan sosial digolongkan dalam kategori baik.
Kata kunci: Kompetensi, Guru PAI MTs, Kota Pontianak.